Humorous Wedding Speech

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My Dearest,,,,,,, Emily Frances Roy (Your Majesty the Queen, Maker and Conqueror of Russia, Fellow Vegan Millennial, Hamilton Partner, and Co-Author of the Art of War) First and absolutely most importantly, I would like to thank you so much for coming to my birthday party. I know your schedule was tight with ballet but heck or high water you came not just before 5:20 but also before 5:10. You looked absolutely stunning that night in your black top, silky red bottom, and four-inch heels. (I applaud you for your stair bravery) Math has been most enjoyable with you by my side and your help has been greatly appreciated. From everything to texting me before your 11:00 bedtime (Yawn Less, Smile More) to slapping me with your calculator to give me the solutions to a giant number …show more content…

My past few months have been filled with jamming to Hamilton at home and in the car. My parents have finally gotten used to it :D. (However my other mother, Bernstein never will so annoy her we shall. Three birds with one stone as you say) It was an honor to be your right hand man at Sadie’s. I don’t know if YOU noticed but I was also very surprised when you made a brilliant Sadie-prosal sign with Ham puns. Sadie’s was also one of my most memorable moments from this year and was the most fun I had in a while. (Especially when you taught me some dance moves to Shut Up and Dance) I will always be happy to be a fellow vegan millennial. Next year if the theme fits, Katy Perry and Left Shark? I am looking forward to reading Jefferson and Hamilton. Even with an influential adversary such as Jefferson Hamilton managed to, “ And in the face of ignorance and resistance I wrote financial systems into existence.” Jefferson may have been a hypocrite but I guess you’ve got to, “hate the sin love the sinner”. Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift and

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