Humorous Wedding Roast – Why Would Anyone Want to Marry this Man?

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Humorous Wedding Speech – Why Would Anyone Want to Marry this Man? Ladies and gentlemen, if there's anybody here this afternoon who's feeling nervous, apprehensive and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead, it's probably because you have just got married to Charles Farrer. Looking around this packed room, it's surprising just how far some people are prepared to travel for a free lunch. It's very fortunate that Charles was not involved in developing the menu; otherwise you would have been very disappointed to have come all this way for cheese sandwiches washed down with lager. Oh well then, I’d better hurry up. After all, I’m supposed to, in good taste, put the groom down. So, minus the good taste I’ll get on with it. The main theme of my speech is this: Why Would Anyone Want to Marry this Man? What is so special about him? Over the last few months I've made extensive ...

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