Humas Overcoming Nature

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Humas Overcoming Nature

Humans have always tried to exert their control over nature. Throughout history, humans command over nature has wavered from a confidant to a skeptical viewpoint. As time passed, humans believied in their ability to conquer nature slowly diminished to a point where nature ruled without a doubt. Now, in the twentieth century, however, people believe once again that the human population can overcome nature.

Up until the sixteenth century, people believed that God could explain all actions. In general, science did not really exist. People simply looked to the Bible for reassurance about then unexplainable phenomenon. With the development of a scientific method and the industrial revolution, people began to recognize reason in their world through science. In the present day, the general public in their quest to discover all of natures secrets depends on science and its reason. Rogets Dictionary declares that science includes the observation, identification, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Science tries to describe nature through all of these methods. It seems that every day a new study is published about the relationship between nature and humans. Scientists have explained and improved many aspects of human health and the human body, especially in the twentieth century. In 1936, Dr. Alexis Carrel developed the artificial heart. In 1937, insulin began to be used to control diabetes. In 1943, penicillin was discovered. In 1954, Jonas Salk inoculated children with the polio vaccination. In 1970, scientist at the University of Wisconsin completed the first complete synthesis of a gene. In 1978 the first "test-tube baby" was born in England and finally, in 1980, the Wor...

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11. Craver, Bruce. Lecture. University of Dayton. 19 Nov 98.

12. Rogers, Perry M. Aspects of Western Civilization: Problems and Sources in

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