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According to Merriam Webster dictionary, humanism is defined as “system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion”. In this essay, I will be discussing what humanism is and the assumption and attitudes that it brings to society, culture, and the universe that prevailed in Western Europe before the Renaissance. Finally, I will discuss how Humanism posed a challenge to the traditional worldview of the Catholic Church. Humanism is known to be any belief by man or philosophy that centralizes on the realm of humans. There are many different types of Humanism: Literary, Renaissance, Cultural, Philosophical, Christian, Modern, Secular, and Religious. I will be focusing on Humanism that prevailed before the Renaissance. Humanism has been said to be the defining movement that lead into the Renaissance. The views of Humanism prior to the Renaissance were those that looked at the world as man being the sole center of the Universe. The beliefs that were based from Humanism were that the scientific, literary and philosophical works that began in ancient Greece and Rome were to be the guides for man. Not the Bible. The Humanists also put great emphasis on education and focused on grammar, history, math, astronomy, poetry, and music. There literary focus extended beyond religion into other elements of knowledge and learning. The view that man can do anything and will was popular along with the following of the ancient Greek’s views. The Humanist centered their beliefs around a scientific method that was used to establish fact base to human behavior. Humanism does not believe that any single religion can prove access to the peace... ... middle of paper ... ...stiny. Humanism hits the core of Catholic word by denying Creation. They believe that man was always a part of nature and he is the In conclusion, the eventual rise of Humanism would overcome the conflicts with the Roman Catholic Church. Humanism will continue to have its religious conflicts, but is still an important part of the World today. It is in on our televisions, internet, schools, and government. The views of the religious humanist believe, that the practicing religions of the world are wrong and are people are powerless to solve the problem of human living in this time. As a Christian, I believe in the power of God, but to this day to the humanist are still fighting for their beliefs. They are standing behind their view that ultimately humans are divine with full responsibility for their human goals and providing for their spiritual needs—not God.

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