Human Rights Essay

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Introduction First question which needed to be answered from where do universal rights begin. And where does term women’s human rights came from? What it mean? “The term "women's human rights" has served as a locus for praxis, that is, for the development of political strategies shaped by the interaction between analytical insights and concrete political practices.” From the 1980s and 1990s, women's movements round about the world formed system and alliances to give greater perceptibility both to the problems that women face day to day and to the centriole of women's experiences in political, social, economic, and environmental issues. In every law, if you read between the lines you will find the story of someone behind that. Law does not grow by its own, but it is pushed by social logic and challenge to domination, forged interaction and resistance to change. Any law or rights are not based on experiences of women. The violations of the human rights of men better fit the paradigm of human rights violations because that paradigm has been based on the experience of men. Men have their human rights violated: rather, when someone’s human rights are recognized as violated, he is probably a man and because paradigm has been based on the experiences of men. Male reality has become human rights principle or at least the principle governing human right practice. Men have and take liberties as a function of their social power as men. Men have often needed state force to get away with subjecting other men; slavery and segregation in the United States and Hitler’s persecutions were explicitly legalized. So the model of human rights violation is based on state action. The result is when men use their liberties socially to deprive women ... ... middle of paper ... ... recognizes that violence against women violates human rights. Crimes against humanity, which traditionally can be gender based have not been part of treaty law. In the international crime of genocide, the sex- specific destruction of women as members of their religious, national, or ethnic communities is largely ignored. As positions polarized during the Cold War, western governments attributed priority to civil and political rights, which they believed were integral to a prosperous free market economy. Meanwhile, the socio-economic rights to work, shelter, and health, for example, became identified with the socialist bloc and were thus suspect to many in the West. Thus, human rights bodies dominated by western conceptions of human rights priorities, focused on violations within the civil and political realm-the "public" sphere. Heading 3 movement for change

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