Human Behavior: Motivation

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People go to work for many different reasons: because they are board, or need to help support a family in this day in age it takes 2 incomes to support a family and keep a home in running order with the cost of everything going up. There are many different types of ways to motivate people, because different people get motivated in different ways not just one thing will work on everyone. There are two types of motivations intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is where if you stay over at work to help out because you enjoy the work, Extrinsic is I hurry threw my work as so to get out early so I can go shopping, the reward shopping. Green River employees are motivated by higher rates of pay and benefits, Aberdeen’s are motivated by extra days off, or self accomplishment. Aberdeen’s reward structure is different all employees are referred to and treated as technicians all paid overtime for anything over 40 hours per week. Working in group atmosphere at Green River will work with a steady time line. The employees may first object because most people do not like change but it will make their jobs easier and more efficient for FMC. The employees at Green River employees will have to trust the leadership of managers to work thru it. At Aberdeen there is more trust employees are allowed to do their jobs with complete trust and confidence, unlike at Green River where there is fear they only do what they are told and show no creativity on fear of getting in trouble. In 1910 a term was coined as Scientific Management to describe the system of industrial management created and promoted by Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915) and his followers. Scientific management, the set of principles and practices stressing job simplification and specialization, was developed by Taylor to increase the performance of individual employees. While some disadvantages of designing jobs according to the principles of scientific management became apparent, many problems stemmed from the fact that employees are intelligent human beings who could think of things on their own accord and have the capacity to be intrinsically as well as extrinsically motivated and who also like to have control over their work. Job enlargement & enrichment focus on expanding the simple jobs created by scientific management. The job itself has five dimensions of motivating potential (according to Hackman and Oldman 1975).

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