How Writing Has Affected My Life

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Writing is very impactive on my life.I think like this because I really enjoy to write,I think this because if you set your mind to it you could make a piece that could make a change in people's life and change their perspective about life.Writing is also super fun to do sometimes I feel like Iam typing for a million years.

When I think of writing I really like it.Why I like this is because I feel if you get a specific topic and you have to write off that you have so much wiggle room to make it your own and put your own twist on it.The best thing I have most likely ever written would be when I wrote about Metropolitan University in Denver about their building with all of the art and how it impacted on me and also how the art made me feel.(I got chosen to share mine in front of everyone).I always have something I don't want to write about every single year but even though I don't want to, but I always get through it and try my best …show more content…

What I consider my weakness in writing is sometimes I have so many good ideas about what I am writing about next I get distracted and mess up on the paragraph I was doing before my thoughts.My strength in

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