How Writing Changed My Life

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I have always searched for greater meaning in my life. I am perpetually anxious and bored. As a child, I found that reading took me out of my life and into lives I wanted to live. My fear of mediocrity nips at my heels and sends me running. Running leads to stumbling, and when I hit the ground the only way to rid myself of the shame is by writing. I must write like an addict must use. There is no high, I just get well. At an early age, I concluded that I was missing something vital, something that weighed enough to keep me grounded. The realization that I was deeply flawed took me on many paths that left me with more questions than answers. I became fearful that I would live out the rest of my life directionless. I was looking for something …show more content…

When I am out, I observe the world around me. My biggest fear is not having anything to write about, so I am always looking for material. I watch people, I talk to strangers, I read as much as I can. Every conversation, mistake, heartbreak, painting, and novel are stored inside of me. I pull from this place when I am writing. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable, but I always leave this place with a better understanding of myself and my writing. If I had not accepted writing as my passion, I would be living life on a surface level. I have struggled with overthinking my entire life, but when I am writing I indulge my bad habit. While writing, I feel safe imagining every possible …show more content…

Some days the words flow out of me naturally, other days I struggle to string together one coherent sentence. I am never satisfied with my writing. This is not a problem that is unique to me, anyone who makes art knows one is rarely, if ever satisfied with their work. I must remind myself every day that my desire for perfection is both unattainable and unproductive. I will never improve as a writer if I refuse to write out of fear of failure. I would not say my search has ended. I am still searching for my place in the world as a writer. I will continue to search for the right words for the rest of my

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