Unexpected Roommate Dilemma: A Personal Account

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At my school, students go through the process of getting their rooms for the next year slightly after the midway point in the year. Last year during this time, my best friend and I decided to room together. However, shortly after, my friend withdrew from the school due to personal issues. This sudden withdrawal caught me completely by surprise and left me in a unexpected predicament. I was too late to get a single, and all my friends had already found roommates for next year, I had no idea what I was supposed to do for housing. Naturally, I went to talk to my school’s dean to figure out my situation. I assumed that they had extra rooms prepared in case of this kind of event. After my meeting, I learned that the only rooms they had available …show more content…

Despite quickly realizing I was guaranteed housing, I was still upset by the location. While it is important to be happy in your environment, it would not have been the end of the world if I had been in the freshman dorm. Yes, it would have detached me from the rest of campus, and therefore everyone my age, but I would still be able to spend the majority of my time with my friends, only the nights would differ. My situation was not nearly as bad as my friend who had to withdraw. Within a matter of days, everything he had worked towards throughout the year had been snatched away over an issue he could not control. He had no choice but to restart his junior year at a new school where he knew no one. In comparison, he was sacrificing a year of hard work, his education at a school where he would receive unparalleled teaching and opportunity, and the greater part of his social life, while I was sacrificing being able to see my friends at night. I had allowed a minor issue consume me and affect my performance in the classroom, on the sports field, and in my everyday life. I realized that this reaction was unacceptable and vowed never to allow myself to act in such a selfish manner

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