How To Write A Book Evaluation Essay

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Overall, I have really enjoyed doing book presentations this year. I think that the aspect of being able to read and share a book with the class has been effective in opening my eyes to all of the different types of literature in the world. There are so many more books than just the popular young adult fiction genre out there, and these book presentations helped me learn that. Before these, I was never really interested in books that were older than me. But as a result of book presentations I have learned that older books can be just as good as newer ones.
The first book I read was Spelled. Spelled is a wonderful book and I am very glad that I chose it as my first book. Because it was a genre that I was used to, it made it easier for me to get used to how these book …show more content…

Pride and Prejudice is my most favorite book that I read out of the three. The storyline is captivating, the characters full of life, and the description brilliant. I am so glad that I saw it on the list and decided to read it. Typically, it is not a book that I would read but, I decided to challenge myself and read an older book. Although some of the language was difficult and it could be hard to understand sometimes, Pride and Prejudice was amazing and I recommend it to everyone. The last book that I read, The Crying of Lot 49 was absolutely awful. I am very sad that I had to end my book presentations with such a bad book. I definitely misjudged it. The back cover of the book made it sound so interesting but it was completely wrong. The book was without a doubt the worst I have read in my life. One of the biggest problems that I had to deal with during book presentations was the proper use of summarization. I got better past the first presentations but I found it very difficult at first to not include every single detail in the book. But now I get that you do not have to retell the entire story for people to get the idea of what your book was about. I think that learning this is

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