How To Kill A Mockingbird Injustice

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Persevere Through the Injustice. Injustice is a theme that reigns in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Injustice is evident in many aspects of life. The trials the characters in the book face are very different from most of the situations people endure right now. A few of the trials faced in the story are racism, and judgment. The theme of injustice is displayed in the judgment of Arthur Radley, in Tom Robison's trial, and Jem and Scout's life-threatening encounter. Arthur Radley is a home body man. He stays inside his home all the time and it would be extremely rare to see him outside of his home. Numerous rumors engulf Arthur Radley , none of them being confirmed. Some of the rumors include that “He dines on any raw squirrels or any cats he can catch.” (13). Sadly, in the story, none of these rumors are confirmed but the fact that there is no answer adds to the imagination. Though, the unfairness and injustice Arthur Radley experiences is vivid because people judge him without knowing his full story. …show more content…

In court, his lawyer displays a excellently presented case. The jury still comes to the conclusion that Tom is guilty. Tom explains in the trial that “ I was scared that I'd hafta face up to something I didn't do.”(198). Tom had already come to the conclusion that he would be charged for a crime he didn't commit. The jury knew they would not rule in favor of a black man and wrongly and also unjustly proclaimed Tom a guilty

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