How To Get Filthy Rich In Rising

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Emmah Boquette Women: Their Voices Fall 2015 Dreams Will Not Come True Will women ever be educated to the extent that is equal to men? “Men are more superior than women” is a popular line we hear on the news, television, and in daily conversations when this topic is being discussed. There are women that dream of having a voice and being treated equal but don't necessarily get the option of doing so for example, The Sister in How To Get Filthy Rich In Rising Asia, there are others who drop everything and everyone to get ahead in life and do something they enjoy, just like the Pretty Girl in How To Get Filthy Rich In Rising Asia, and then there are women that seek out equality and succeed to find it, such as Malala Yousafzia. Thoughts on women …show more content…

Those are the ones that dream and it stays all in their head and nothing gets expressed verbally. They dream, but they don't open the doors to opportunity and possibility. The sister in How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia wants all these things and wants an education, but it’s just out of her reach because she can’t do anything about it. In this case, it doesn't quite matter if she verbally shares her dreams because they won't happen. She isn't in the area where she has the strength to fight back and become equal with men and that is sickening. But the strength that comes with her is the fact that she worked through it. She didn't let the marriage affect her, she went with the flow. Because if you're going through hell keep going, you'll get to the positive destination one …show more content…

The question is: Are you aware of your impact?”(Carmazzi, Arthur.) Love from women is actually a well-known impact on a male’s heart. The Pretty Girl in How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia had a gigantic impact on the main characters life and she didn't even relatively mean to do so. She began with her dream to become a model and then worked off of that dream and brought it to an action. Even though she left everyone behind to go live out her new higher life, she still made time for the boy she left her mark on so many years before. Although the book might have portrayed her as more superior than the boy, in reality she equaled out with him on many playing fields. She was cunning, and she was smart, “she was no fool” (Hamid, Mohsin), and she had potential. She knew her impact on him because he always floated back to her in the end and they ended up together. “You know a lot about movies.” (Hamid, Mohsin) is the action she made the first time she made the decision to talk to him. That action by which made everything else in the book, regarding each other,

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