How To Build A Video Game Essay

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The world of video games is a jungle, a wild world. Many games convey and hold different defining traits as those of an animal. Wither I want to rush though a game, take my time, or even ----. Rushing through a video game is the bull’s signature move. No thinking or skills required, just strength, power, and brute force. Halo is a prime example of this. With its simple straight forward storyline, no strategies or planning are required. “Kill, reach the check point, and move on” are the only thoughts that come to pass. Giving the payer a simple task, and an array of weapons and powers to do so, make finishing this game a breeze. For example, my brother and I beat the game in only half a day, including breaks of course. Left for dead is another great example. It’s singled minded path gives me one thing to focus on, killing zombies and reaching the end goal or surviving. There’s no need to level up, save up …show more content…

I can’t began to relay all the time and money I’ve wasted playing such games. Such as Skyrim, Fallout new Vegas and Dragon's Dogma. To elaborate, Skyrim not only requires strategy, power, but it also requires patients. Its long term gameplay and freelance world make it impossible to bull through. What skills to choose from, what weapon to master, and what armor is best: are only a few questions that come to mind. Every choice I make plays a crucial role in completing a mission, wither I’m a good guy or bad. Along with mission choices I also have to pay attention to different classifications, or ‘trees’ as referred to as in the game. There are an array of different ones a player can chose from, ones varying form Restoration, Conjuration down to Light or heavy armor and even those are broken down into subcategories. Would I rather have a shorter casting time, or a stronger

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