How Soccer Changed My Life

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When I was ten years old, I was as curious, vibrant, energetic, and naive as the next child. I enjoyed playing with my toys, playing sports, reading, and asking a lot of questions about how the world works. Then, I thought I was invincible and that I could do whatever I set my mind to. If I wanted my occupation to be an astronaut ballerina it was going to happen and that was that. At ten years old, I was also introduced to my family in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas for the first time, and I was both really delighted and really despondent at the same time. Suddenly I was in Mexico at my Grandma’s house counting how many relatives were hugging me (eighteen to be exact), while I realized that I shared the same blood as these “strangers”. We got to know each other a little, they tried to get me to remember all their names, and all I wanted to do was go play soccer with my cousins. As I walked out the door to go to the backyard my uncle comes up and asks, “Where do you think you’re going?”. I tell him that I’m going to go play soccer with my cousins while he looks at me, laughs, and says, “Soccer is for boys. Stay inside and help your Aunt make tamales. You should learn how to cook so you can get married.” I was kind of upset that he wanted me to stay inside and cook because my mom and dad always cook for me and I thought playing soccer was more …show more content…

To this day, I still dislike my Uncle but not as much as I used to because I have come to find that our culture is to blame. I am doing everything my Uncle said I couldn’t do to prove him wrong. I am a woman and I am capable of accomplishing great things in this world. I am more than just cooking for my family, doing laundry, and cleaning the house. I am a future psychiatrist, I am a future author, and I am more than what my Uncle says I

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