Personal Narrative: How Soccer Changed My Life

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It was one of those moments that just stays with you forever. Scoring my first ever goal in soccer has just always been a part of me. I remember playing in the little fields as first graders with the small balls at our feet. I remember the small goals with even smaller first grade goalies on both ends of the field that. And one day, I shot the ball to find it in the back of the net, for the first time in my life. It was a special goal for my family, my team and myself. The ball had laid perfectly still in the net and the immense joy lit up like a spark in my heart. No words could describe what I was feeling. What may seem like nothing to someone meant the world to me. From that moment on, my love for soccer grew like a fire in a dry field. …show more content…

I remember the ball coming at my feet and me dribbling it before I released it to find it in the back of the net. The parents were cheering on the sidelines as I scored my first goal ever. My dad and my sister watched my reaction as I looked at the ball in the net. I never thought I would score a goal, especially not a goal to win the game for my team. It was a winning goal and it meant so much to me. I remember going home and talking about it for hours and hours until my family got sick of hearing the story. “Mom! Dad! Emma! Guess what happened today. I scored a goal! I really did! It was in the last seconds of the game and the score was still 0-0 but I made it 1-0. We won the game and I scored! Are you jealous of me because I know I’m jealous of myself!” I would say in my little first-grade voice for days. The thought of the goal made me smile and I dreamt about it ever since. That goal cemented a special place in my heart and it will always be

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