How Shakespeare Presents Love and the Problems of Love in Romeo and Juliet

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How Shakespeare Presents Love and the Problems of Love in Romeo and Juliet

With particular focus on act 1 scene 5 and act 2 scene 2, show how

Shakespeare presents love and the problems of love in Romeo and


In the book Romeo and Juliet we look at the love and passion between

Romeo of the Montague house and Juliet of the Capulet house as well as

the feud between the two houses.

Act 1 scene 1: in act 1 scene 1 we see servants of the Capulet house

and Montague house quarrel in this instance the feud is introduced as

well as demonstrated. Shakespeare tries to help the audience to

understand the complicity of the feud as it later causes numerous

deaths. Later on in the scene Benvolio comes in and tries to keep the

peace as he says “part fools! Put up your swords; you know not what

you do” and at saying this he beats down there swords which shows us

that Benvolio doesn’t want to start a brawl between the two houses but

then Tybalt comes in and starts to provoke Benvolio and the servants

and when Benvolio starts talking of putting away there swords and

parting Tybalt replies “what! Drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the

word, as I hate hell, all Montague’s, and thee. Have at thee coward!”

which proves to us that Tybalt is more committed to the feud then

Benvolio and the Montague’s.

Act 1 scene 5: in this act we look at how Romeo goes to the great

feast in the household of the Capulet’s. We first look at how the

servants are in a scurry to get everything right for the masked ball.

Then Tybalt recognizes Romeo and wants to again uphold the feud saying

“uncle, this is a Montague, our foe. A villain that is hither come in

spite to scorn at our solemnity this night” which proves to us again

the problem that Romeo and Juliet are going to have later on in the

story because of this feud. After Tybalt is calmed down Romeo for the

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