How Is Winston Alienated In The Novel 1984 By George Orwell

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In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the principal reason Winston comes to feel alienated, is because of the feeling of powerlessness that the government gives him. The totalitarian government, The Party or Big Brother, as referred to in this book, leaves Winston with a sense of disempowerment because they have the ability to watch over society constantly. Winston feels alienated starting the the beginning of the novel because he knows that the government is constantly watching him. Winston is standing near his telescreen--a machine similar to a TV, but used for spying on the people-- and he has a sudden pang of fear. He purposely turns his back to the telescreen and continues to realize that, "You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption …show more content…

But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated”(Orwell 36). Winston knows that the party is imposing lies onto its citizens, but he feels as if he is the only one who realizes it. Although it may not be true, Winston feels as if he is all alone in his belief that the past is composed of lies. If the government could erase the past, they could control the present, and possibly the future too. If they kept brainwashing their people, everyone would always just except that the party was right and that they were wrong. Without any clear proof of this incident, Winston is stuck with a theory, but not proof, so he cannot make anyone else believe it. This cause him to feel alienated and like no one else will ever understand him. Winston believes that if a person’s memory can be altered, than lies can trump the truth and the truth becomes just a distant memory. This is how the Party controls their people. Because of the constant feeling of desperation that the government bestowed in Winston, he became an outcast and was forced into

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