How Is Harrison Bergeron A Dystopian Society

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Kurt Vonnegut’s dark and futuristic short story, “Harrison Bergeron” expresses through theme and plot a futuristic dystopian society where freedom of thought, intellectual ability, physical beauty and strength, and creativity have been manipulated through pervasive and coercive technology and by government decree. He opens the story with this descriptive Orwellian narrative about social equality in the future,

“The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the Law. They were equal in every which way. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th… Amendents to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of …show more content…

In other words, he is implying with the phrase “Handicapper General” that the concept of social equality has become so extreme and convoluted that people in this dystopian world are forced to be “handicapped” if they have special physical and intellectual attributes or advantageous genetic traits. Interestingly, Vonnegut has creatively inverted through his story the real life concept of how modern society assigns special advantages to handicapped and disabled people. At the same time, he turns the concept of equality into a futuristic nightmare scenario that has huge implications for characters in the …show more content…

The television screen is an apt reference to modern society and its evolving and growing interactions with electronic devices and screens. Moreover, Vonnegut, is implicating in an indirect way the power of the media and how it manipulates reality. For instance, Harrison Bergeron is described as a criminal by the authorities, but in reality; he wanted to break free of his oppressive existence. The only “crime” he committed was that he was physically and intellectually different from the average citizens in society. On another level, the news bulletins about Harrison Bergeron reflect how the mass media in modern society broadcast misinformation and propaganda about people who are deemed threats by the government, when in reality; they may be innocent and victims of false information. In effect, Harrison Bergeron, is subsequently eliminated by government agents who bring the plot to a resolution and his life as freedom fighter becomes just another sound-bite or video clip for the television screen. In fact, the manipulating power of the media and technology utilized in the story were so effective that his parents forgot what happened to their son as the TV images and transmitters apparently erased their

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