How Is Daisy Portrayed In The Great Gatsby

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In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby,the gender role of women is depicted in very different ways. Each woman has her own desires, needs, dreams, and motivation. The women in the novel are depicted as cheaters basically. Every woman except Jordan Baker had an affair, yet we can't forget about the men that were also involved in affairs can we? What happened to the two women who had an affair as compared to the men is degrading to women. The women get punished in the end , a hidden meaning , yet they do end up getting punished . Daisy Buchanan , Myrtle Wilson, and Jordan Baker, the women of The Great Gatsby.
The first woman is probably the most complex, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy is the beautiful, wealthy woman that every guy wants, also know as the “Golden Girl”. Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man whose family is very well respected in town. Although Daisy is married to Tom there is one man she had fell in love with and possibly will always still be in love with, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby somehow finds a way to meet up with daisy after 5 years of them not seeing each other. Daisy hooked up with Gatsby , therefore the affair. Tom had suspicions but never knew for sure about them seeing each other. All Daisy wanted was to be with a wealthy man and live a great life with …show more content…

Now she was the only one who didn't have an affair. She carried a high reputation of herself. She was known for having an attitude though. Jordan knew a little bit about everybody. She ,being Daisy’s lifetime friend, knew a little about Gatsby and so on. Jordan may not have had an affair but she had a summer fling with the narrator Nick Carraway. Things didn't end so well because she kept secrets from him about the things she knew. I guess knowing too much isn't always the best. Jordan just wanted to live her life and know what she knows and worry about herself. She never Necessarily got punished but she did

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