The Great Gatsby Equality Analysis

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First of all, I did not read this book in agony thinking about all of the sexist things going on. I rather enjoyed the book a ton and am extremely glad to be officially part of the world that has read The Great Gatsby. After thoroughly thinking about the equality that is so well stated in this novel, I have become more and more heated of the topic of equality in The Great Gatsby. What do we know about the main female characters in this book? We know that Daisy, the super pretty, known for her looks, ditz is super pretty and prefers to live as a ditz. "And I hope she'll be a fool — that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." (Fitzgerald, p.17). Daisy explains to Tom that being a fool is truly the only way to Tom, being born into wealth, obviously treats his wife as if she doesn’t exist. The only possible way to know that they are married is to know they have a kid that is basically non existent (that is sarcasm). And Myrtle is I guess treated fairly well, getting a puppy in all, that is until she gets smashed in the face by Tom. Gatsby, coming from poor family, proves to be nothing less of a romantic. He never gave up to get where he was now and he never gave up to get the girl. Nick was somewhat difficult for me to figure out. He seemed to like Jordan and I was rooting for them in my head to end up together even though that is definitely not the love story we are supposed to be paying attention to. But we learn that there is another woman that is back home and although he does a respectful thing by ending it with her before furthering his relationship with Jordan, the reason he doesn’t like her as much is because SHE SWEATS. Yes sweats. A thing that every living human being does. Nick only dates real woman. Are women not allowed to perspire while taking part in physical activity? My bad, I didn’t realize that homeostasis was only a male thing. The way women are treated by the different class of men shows that the respect they have for themselves really doesn’t matter unless the man they’re with respects them the

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