How Is Antony And Brutus Persuasion

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Persuasion occurs daily in one's life. Techniques of persuasion include advertisements and speeches. Surprisingly speeches are not frequently used as now the world is bombarded with images. However well-written words can have an impact on the audience as shown in the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. The characters; Antony and Brutus are able to convince their audience by adopting a variety of rhetorical devices. They are similar in their use of repetition but different in rhetorical questions and irony. Ultimately Antony proves that he is more persuasive.

Antony and Brutus utilise repetition in a similar fashion. This literary device helps to emphasis the meaning of a point. In Antony's speech "honourable man" (Act 3 scene 2 line 81) is often repeated. The speaker wants to prove that the conspirators killed Caesar for selfish reasons. Moreover this phrase goes under the appeals of Ethos. The word 'honourable' sets the tone and level of vocabulary. As a repercussion, repeating words creates a rapport. The speaker establishes this relationship in order to turn his listeners against the murderers. Likewise, Brutus repeats the words 'mine honour' (Act 3 scene 2 line 15) and is trying to prove that killing Caesar was right. By repeating words, the audience feels respected therefore creates a similar rapport as Antony's which again falls under Ethos. These two performers use repetition for similar purposes; to persuade and portray their ideas to their audience. However Antony uses this technique with greater success by intriguing the audience throughout his speech. Brutus' repetition, on the other hand, is more self-centred asking the audience to accept his past. Repetition is a key factor for both performances. However the two s...

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...ontent with his reasons then they have let their country down. Ironically Brutus is actually showing that if the plebeians do not accept his past actions then the murderer has been betrayed. This quote is Pathos because it deals with the emotions of the conspirators and the audience. The irony of the speakers is different because Brutus aims to save his life whereas Antony explains the consequences of Caesar's death for the audience hence puts Rome and its people first. To conclude Antony and Brutus use repetition in a similar fashion but practice rhetorical questions and irony differently. Thus Antony is more persuasive.

However would these two speeches rendered by the characters still be as effective in the 21st century? According to Madeline Albright, "We live in an image society. Speeches are not what anybody cares about, what they care about is the picture."

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