Essay On How Gambling Affects The Economy

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How Gambling Effects the Economy

It's just another Saturday night in just about any common town in America. The family sits around the television discussing how much money the twenty tickets in their hands are going to make them. The jackpot is fourteen million. Before the numbers have been shown, the family discusses how to spend the money and how much better their lives are going to be after they win the money. Then finally, the moment of truth. The numbers come across the screen. The first one matches… so does the third… and the fourth. Well we didn't win this time but we're getting closer. "I know if we just buy a few more tickets, next time we're bound to win," Mother says. Many Americans feel the same way. …show more content…

In the words of one lottery director: "Lotteries are different from any other form of gaming product. Lottery players risk a small amount of money against very long odds to win a large prize, with net proceeds going to the public's good" (Jones, 9). With lotteries operating in 37 states and in the District of Columbia, Lotteries are the most widespread form of gambling in the United States. Of all the other forms of gambling, it is the only one the majority of adults report having played. It is also the only form of gambling in the U.S. that is a virtual government monopoly. State lotteries have the worst odds of any common form of gambling, but they also promise the greatest potential payoff to the winner in absolute terms, with prizes usually amounting to tens of millions of dollars. Many Americans actually believe that they will win millions. What they don't know is that with most state lotteries their chances of winning are approximately 1in12-14 …show more content…

Carr, et al. "Video Lottery' and Treatment for Pathological Gambling: A Natural Experiment in South Dakota." South Dakota Journal of Medicine, January 1996 p. 31.
Gearey, Robyn, "The Numbers Game," The New Republic, May 19, 1997, p.19.
Golden, Daniel; Halbfinger, David M., "Lottery Addiction Rises, and Lives Fall," Boston Globe, February 11, 1997, p. A1.
Halbfinger, David M. and Golden Daniel, "The Lottery's Poor Choice of Locations," Boston Globe, February 12,1997, p. A1.
Jones, Michael, "Lotteries Must Strike Balance Between Letter of the Law and Unwritten Contract with Players," Gaming Law Review, Volume 2, No. 1, Feb. 1998, p.9.
Jones, Michael, "Lotteries Must Strike Balance Between Letter of the Law and Unwritten Contract with Players," Gaming Law Review, Volume 2, No. 1, Feb.1998, p.10.
Shaffer, Howard J., "The Emergence of Youthful Addiction: The Prevalence of Underage Lottery Use and the Impact of Gambling," Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling, January 13, 1995,p. 9.
Wallisch, Lynn S., "Gambling in Texas 1995 Survey of Adult and Adolescent Gambling Behavior." Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, August 1996, p.

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