Advertising Of Gambling Should Be Completely Banned

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The nature of advertising is to sell and persuade, although advertisements are not created to cause any damage, some advertisements can be very harmful to viewers. While most advertisements that possess bad habits like smoking and drinking have been banned, there is still gambling related advertisements being shown. Some of these advertisements include: television advertisements in particular during sport shows and special events like Melbourne Cup Day, computer pop-ups, messages sent to your personal email and phone. This essay will argue that all forms of advertising of gambling should be completely banned because it can be a trigger for people who already gamble and are addicted. This can result in complications in people’s lifestyle, relationships and financial situation. In addition advertisements can be misleading for young adolescents, which in turn can start lifelong addictions.
Gambling advertisements can be a huge issue for people who already gamble especially if they are addicted because it can act as a trigger. It can be an issue because it can affect a person’s lifestyle in a number of ways. Firstly gambling can cause money problems. A person can experience loss of money, property savings or belongings. This kind of loss can lead to the breaking of families, feelings of betrayal and anger. The stress of gambling problems can sometimes cause health problems, for both the person spending the money and their family. It is argued that gamblers will gamble no matter if there are advertisements being shown or not, however these advertisements are a constant reminder for them especially when they have to see these advertisements when they use the internet, watch television and particularly during sports programs. Problem gam...

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...way anyone can lose if they use their service. It can be argued that adolescents are not being forced to bet, they are simply given the choice. On the contrary adolescents see it everywhere it is unavoidable and they are being misled and tempted from a young age resulting in them believing they have a high chance of winning and becoming wealthy. Adolescents are too young and inexperienced to realise the harm of gambling in any form.

Advertising of gambling can be very harmful and should be totally eliminated because for adolescents it can be the start of a lifetime struggle with addiction and for gamblers it can be a constant reminder and a trigger for them to promote them to gamble more. This can result in people ruining their lifestyle, financial status and relationships. It is strongly recommended that all advertisements of gambling are completely removed.

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