How Does Vincent Appear In Gattaca

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Imagine you are some sort of superhuman. You can run a mile in 4 minutes with a steady heart rate, you will never die of a heart condition or disease, and you have the appearance of a supermodel. In the film Gattaca, written and directed by Andrew Niccols, this is all possible. People are genetically modified to develop the absolute best traits from their parents and become “valids.” In the movie Gattaca, Vincent is born the old-fashioned way with multiple problems; his life expectancy is about thirty years, and he is considered an invalid. Later on Vincent’s brother Anton is born, he is a strong genetically manipulated baby that always outshines Vincent. Vincent’s number one goal is to travel to space, but he cannot achieve this because of his current health status. He is helped by a man named …show more content…

A person is either considered a valid or an invalid. One needs to have certain traits to be classified as valid and if these traits are not possessed then a person is looked upon undesirably. For example, Vincent is considered undesirable because he was born the old fashioned way. He is discriminated against in the work place and is not allowed to hold a high paying job that will help him accomplish his goal of going into space. Jerome is also looked upon as an undesirable because he is in a wheel chair. The members of Gattaca are also always being observed. They have to go through random urine and blood tests to determine if they are valid and to confirm their identities. This shows that nobody can trust anyone in this society. Individualization is also restricted in this culture. By watching the film one can see that everyone that works in Gattaca wears the same thing. Their attire consists of a monochromatic color scheme of suits and other various dress clothes. Nobody wears crazy colors, has piercings, or visible tattoos. Everyone conforms to an identical appearance and self-expression is

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