How Does St Thomas More Influence On Religion

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St. Thomas More was a virtuous saint who was killed by King Henry XIII. Due to the pope not allowing him to divorce his wife, King Henry XIII wanted to become the leader of the church. Being a king, doing anything would seem easy, but in order for King Henry XIII to do this, he was required to ask Parliament. The only member of the Parliament who refused to sign the document was Thomas More. As a result, Thomas More was trapped in the Tower of London, which in turn, caused Henry to beg him to sign the document. Although the king asked him directly to sign the document, Thomas More still refused. Enraged, King Henry executed him by reason of treason. St. Thomas More exhibited the traits of courage, loyalty, and integrity to the end.

Even in the midst of death, Thomas More remained loyal to God and did not betray Him. First, he did not sign a contract that would allow the King to be the leader of the Church. He could have signed the paper easily, and no one would know. However, he knew that God knows everything. During prosecution, the option to be released from the Tower of London was given to St. Thomas More, but he chose to follow his virtues. Although the decision to betray God was simple, Thomas More did not give in. He declared that he was always the loyal servant of the king, but was a servant to God first. Thomas More had such a great faith in God that …show more content…

He chooses to die over betraying his values. He could have been free and not die, but he chose to have courage. He knew that he was probably going to die, but still followed his virtues, almost stubbornly. Anyone who dies for their beliefs has courage by conquering the fear of death for something that is greater than their own life has great courage. He was imprisoned, but he had confidence that he was free. Aside from courage, Thomas More showed another trait that was one of the main reasons why he was declared a

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