Maze Runner Hero's Journey

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In The Maze Runner, Thomas and a bunch of other guys from the glade are stuck in a giant maze with no way out. Thomas is the main character and this is how he follows the hero’s journey and becomes a hero. Reasons are Call to adventure, Ordeal, Death\, and rebirth, Crossing the threshold.

Call to adventure is the first reason why Thomas follows the hero’s journey. Thomas is a hero in this because he got a call to adventure just like any other hero would. Thomas talks to chuck, Chuck tells him that no one has ever escaped the maze, and if you go in the maze at night you will likely die and never make it out. This conversation has sparked curiosity in Thomas. This makes Thomas a hero because every hero gets a call, every call is different though there’s no special call Thomas still received a call to help find a way out of the maze. When Chuck made a …show more content…

Thomas is a hero because the second is that he follows the hero’s journey like ordeal, Death, and Rebirth. The elevator comes back up with a girl and some pipes filled with something and the girl makes Thomas remember more about himself. Later on, they use the needle on Alby and it heals him but he won't speak. Then later on, when its night, the doors don’t close and the grievers start coming and killing people. This is a wake-up call for Thomas that and some people else since Alby is dead by the grievers. Thomas takes the lead to get out of the maze and some people follow him like a leader. When Thomas says something to the people that are left in the glade it sparks something a leadership role for Thomas. “We can't stay here forever.” When Thomas says this to the glade the people are deciding is it ok to break the rules that they have followed for years and go into the maze to try and find a way out with Thomas leading them. In This Ordeal, Death and Rebirth people die yes but Thomas did become more of a leader of the effects that played

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