How Does Nana Cause Hindrances In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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In one’s life many friendships and relationships are formed with several different people. Some people end up making a positive impact in another’s life, while others create a negative impact and a person is left to overcome the obstacles that another has created for them. Whether the relationships in one’s life are helpful or cause hindrances, in the end all that is important is the content of one's character and how their character is influenced by these relationships. In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini there are many characters that impact Mariam's life and shape her into the valiant woman she came to be. Some characters being like Nana who help her by preparing her for the harsh realities of the real world and what is to come. Then there are characters like Rasheed and Jalil who are hindrances in Mariam’s life creating barriers and obstacles. Nana and …show more content…

When the reader is first introduced to Nana she is calling Mariam a “harami” which means an unwanted child, this comes across as very harsh but deep down Nana has Mariam’s best intentions in mind. Nana has gone through many things in her own life which makes her able to prepare Mariam for the reality of the real word and what is going to eventually come her way. The lessons Nana taught Mariam were things that she was able to carry with her throughout her whole life and this is why even after she was dead she made a positive impact and was a help in Mariam’s experiences. Nana is a very harsh woman. She was set to be married but was left by her fiance because of her epilepsy, she was left with a great fear of rejection, thus being why she is so harsh towards Mariam when she mentions her wealthy father. Nana is scared Mariam will leave her for a better life. Nana has a hard time effectively expressing her feelings to Mariam but they are most definitely there.Stuhr proposes that “ Her feelings for mariam are deep, but she

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