How Does Maya Angelou Affect Her Poetry

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Maya Angelou and Her Poetry Most people think that poetry is just a form of entertainment, but it’s really more than that. It’s a way of expressing your feelings and ideas in a creative way. On April 4, 1928, a lady by the name of Marguerite Annie Johnson (Maya Angelou) was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She became a major beacon and a representation of what poetry is. She wasn’t just any famous poet, but rather the voice for all of those who could not speak up for themselves and an outlet that opened doors for women of all backgrounds. Her poetry also helped give a sense for what it felt like to be Black in our modern day America. Marguerite didn’t have it easy during her early years of living. Her being an African American and a woman made it really difficult for her to be accepted as a serious poet, author, …show more content…

Both Maya and her brother were sent to live with their paternal grandmother, Annie Henderson, in Stamps Arkansas after their parents Vivian (Baxter) Johnson, who was a nurse and Bailey who was a card dealer, had gotten a divorce. During that time while living there, she had experienced much discrimination for growing up as an African-America child. Four years later, they had a surprise and unexpected visit from their father. He sent them back to live with their mother and her new boyfriend who went by the name of Freeman in St. Louis. Maya experienced sexual abuse and was raped by Freemen. The only person that she told was Bailey because she was ashamed to confront the situation to any other adult not knowing if they would’ve believe her or not. It was kept secret until Bailey later told the rest of the family. Freeman was sent to jail for only a day, but four days after his release, he was murdered. It was an unknown fact on who really killed Freeman, but as speculations were growing, it was believed that Maya’s Uncles may have murdered the

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