How Does Interpersonal Communication Promote Self-Esteem?

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1. Self-esteem is defined as the confidence one has in them self. Beebe (2008, p. 40) describes self-esteem as, "our assessment of our value as a person." Communication can enhance self-esteem because as we communicate with other people we are able to realize who we are. The communication process allows a source to send a message to a receiver in able to get feedback. This feedback is essential to improving ourselves. Self-awareness is the idea being aware of our thoughts, movements, and emotions and noticing we are separate entity from the world around us. There are three dimensions of self-awareness, subject self-awareness, objective self-awareness, and symbolic self-awareness. Humans reach all three dimensions but symbolic self-awareness …show more content…

Of the three parts of metacommunication, I would say I implement adapting the best. While having a conversation I tend to keep a close eye on how the audience is responding. Through my perception I will start to intrapersonally communicate and come to a decision of what actions should be taken. If I feel the audience is bored, I will be more entertaining. If i feel the audience is distracted by literal noise, such as another conversation, I would ask them a question to reel them back into the conversation. The part of metacommunication that I need to work on is reflecting. I rarely reflect on my communication skills. When I have a conversation I don't think about it after its over unless it was an unsuccessful conversation. An example would be if you were to offend someone by something you said you would be more likely to reflect after compared to if the conversation went as planned. Reflecting on your communication is a good practice that should not only be done when an unsuccessful conversation is presented. Reflecting on successful conversations can instill good habits that will make it easier to prevent future …show more content…

The five characteristics of communication are that communication is inescapable, irreversible, complicated, emphasizes content and relationships, and is governed by rules. Beebe (2008) describes the five characteristic of communication as follows. Communication is inescapable because people are all around us and we have to communicated in order to get through life. Communication is irreversible because once something is said it is impossible for someone listening to wipe it from listeners minds. Clarification could be added to try and cover up what was said, but it will always be there. Communication is complicated because everyone has a different set of values and beliefs. This could cause problems when you are talking about a sensitive subject and you don't want to offend somebody. Communication emphasizes content and relationships because there are many different hints a person can give off, such as tones, posture, and expressions. These hints that are give off will reveal emotions and attitude through communication. Communication is governed by a set of rules that a person learns as they grow up, similar to a person's ethics. The rules were taught by your parents or guardian and consist of what you can and can't say or what you can and can't do in certain situations. The characteristic that has the most effect on anticipatory metacommunication would be that communication is irreversible. A person should anticipate their audience to ensure that the interpretation won't

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