Best Communicators

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Best and Worst Communicators What makes a good communicator and what makes a bad communicator, or rather, what makes one good at communicating their message as opposed to what makes one not good at communicating their message. What does it take to be a good communicator or a bad communicator? There are specific traits, tone, body language, and mechanics that all good communicators have in common. These traits are what make the communicator’s purpose conveyed properly, and the lack of those traits lead to bad communication. In order to be a good communicator, one must be Strategic, Professional, and Adaptable. Best Communicators John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Steve Jobs, and Malcolm X are known as some of the best communicators. J.F.K. was charismatic, authentic and passionate, and delivered strong messages with tone, body language, and good usage of words. Many said he had Golden Words. He is …show more content…

Bush are some of the worst communicators. Michael Horn completely read from, and relied on his script in his apology to the public regarding Volkswagen. Ann Coulter body language, tone and words are extremely negative and aggressive. John Boehner’s delivery is flat and lacks personality. George W. Bush, while known as an effective communicator in person, in small groups, completely freezes when on camera and in front of large groups. He is often unprepared, or at least unrehearsed, and makes many grammatical and language errors. What Makes Them the Worst. The worst communicators fail to have the traits that make one a good communicator. They are often unprepared. The message is not clear. Points are either not tied together, or are unsupported. They lack charisma, which is uninspiring and leads to not capturing or engaging the audience. They avoid eye contact. Their message may be all negative with no uplifting message. They have bad grammar, and make many errors. Strategic, Professional, and

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