How Does Harper Lee Use Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the book To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee she uses strong words and racism that make this look interesting. In the book Harper Lee uses and 8 year old girl to tell and narrate the story. She uses the girl so the reader can see the perspective of a kid. In Maycomb the 8 year old and her brother Jem, learn how to put up with the racism, all the hatred and grow from it. Throughout this essay we are going to talk about racism and how it affected the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
In Maycomb County, the trail of Tom Robinson vs. the Ewells began. It was a African American accused for something he didn't do. As a County, we shouldn't be hating on an African American but loving each ethnicity as one. “ I've seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ ……” Bob Ewell said, on page (173). Why is Mr. Ewell opinion wrong and rude? Because by saying nigger he is disgracing on an African American by his ethnicity and that's not right. As Mr. Ewell was questioned during the trial he stood up, angry pointing his finger at Tom Robinson. Saying words judening and lying about Tom Robinson. We need to stop hating on Tom because he didn't do anything he is innocent during the trial. …show more content…

But we shouldn't worry of what color they are but how they are as a person. “ They don’t belong anywhere, colored folks won’t have em ‘cause they’re colored…” Jem said. In this quote Jem is talking about how colored folks will never be equal to American. By him saying that tells us a lot on how African Americans were treated back then. They were disliked and seen as nothing. Just by assuming how they are as a person because of their ethnicity is cruel. In the book it Jem didn't dislike African American but seeing how they are treated made him think. Therefore we need to stop assuming and judging other people by their race and start caring for one

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