How Does God Created His Image?

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In the Bible, it is mentioned that humans are made “in His image”. What exactly is an image? defines an image as “a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible”. Something that sticks out in this definition is the word “physical”. God’s presence and immanence in His creation are real. He did not create mankind and then decided to leave us. He cares for us. God made His creation in the likeness of Him! Genesis 1:27 says “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. It’s important to see that God did not create His other creations in His own image. God has favor in mankind. …show more content…

God gave man dominion over the animals. When God saw His creation, animals, he saw that it was good. However, when he saw Mankind, He saw that it was very good. Erickson says that “The image of God distinguishes humans from all other creatures; it is what makes us human” (p. 172). God made us in His image which gives us value. For example, when a cat gets run over by a car and dies, it is sad. But, when a person gets run over by a car, it is a tragedy. Why does human life have more value than animal life? God gave us value! God also gave us the ability to use logic and reason. Has an ape ever built a car? Has a leopard ever played chess? Of course not! God gave humans reason, not animals. We are dominant over the animals. Jesus displayed a love for humans throughout the new testament. It says in Mathew 9:35-36, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion …show more content…

A big debate going on in our society today is whether or not abortion is considered murder. It is not simply a matter of opinion. Because all humans were made in the image of God, all human life has value. This includes life that has not technically been born yet. Something that angers me is that many in our society today will fight for the rights of homosexuals and women, for example, but are fine with babies being murdered. Not to sound closed-minded but, it seems to me that we need to get our priorities straight. Congress passes a law for gay-marriage yet unborn babies are killed everyday! These unborn babies have value no matter what other people say. If doctors have to literally mutilate a baby inside of a pregnant woman to kill it, then whatever is inside her is clearly alive! You cannot kill what is already dead. I’m sure that God’s heart breaks for these innocent babies being killed. Something people need to realize in today’s society is that we all have value. God made us to be like Him! I see far too many people with Nihilistic views. God gives us meaning. He gives life meaning. Therefore, abortion is

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