How Does Darcy Change In Pride And Prejudice

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First impressions you have on people it can be right and sometime it can also be wrong. In the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin, Elizabeth and Darcy characteristic changed the most throughout the novel.
One of the main characters in the story is Elizabeth. She has so many favorable characteristics, like being loyal, loving, and smart. Elizabeth also has some defects, one of them is she quickly to judge people. For example, she dislikes Mr. Darcy for some little remark he made about her. Which was a big misunderstanding Wickham told her lies about Darcy trying to keep him from getting his inheritance. As time pass through the story she learns that Darcy isn’t such a bad person after all. She learned to not judge someone by the way they look, to find the good in others and not to believe in what everyone says. …show more content…

Darcy, he has some positive characteristic that he’s loyal, handsome and a gentleman, that a lot of people admire him. Darcy had some negatives to like his proudness, that’s what makes Eliza despise him. He proposed to Elizabeth, but she turned him down. He still had feelings for her even though she said no. Overall, he started to change the way he acted, not too proud and learned how to respect Elizbeth family to win her over.
Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, they both came from different backgrounds. Darcy was born into a wealthy family and owned land. While Elizabeth is the second child out of five girls and lives in the village

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