Appearance And Reality In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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Written during one of the most transformative eras in British history, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice has won the hearts of many readers. Published in 1813, it is classified as a comedy of manners. A dominant theme found in the novel is the contrast between appearance and reality. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is highly autobiographical; emphasizes characterization, setting, and themes; and has received extensive criticism.
Pride and Prejudice is told from a third person omniscient point of view and focuses on the main character, Elizabeth Bennett. Elizabeth is one of the five unmarried Bennett sisters and undoubtedly the most intelligent sister. When the rich, young man, Charles Bingley, comes to town, he choses to admire Jane Bennett. She is the most beautiful daughter of the Bennett family. Mr. Bingley’s friend, Mr. Darcy, creates an image of haughtiness in Elizabeth’s mind when he refuses to dance with her. However, as the story advances, Mr. Darcy finds himself attracted to her wit, intelligence, and subtle beauty. Elizabeth shows strong resentment towards Mr. Darcy although she is unknowingly falling in love with him. Both characters show strong characteristics of pride and prejudice throughout the novel, which keeps them apart. Furthermore, due to Darcy’s perceived arrogance and Elizabeth’s stubbornness and prejudice, they face many predicaments with themselves and each other. In the end, Elizabeth and Darcy put aside their differences and see past each other’s flaws. They both realized that they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other (Austen 1-397).
Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 in Hampshire England. She was born to a middle class family. Her mother was from a higher-middle social class a...

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...thing that has gone before,”(Jenkins). Jenkins also admires Austen’s strong will and determination. Although Jane Austen had a dark and tough life, she was able to bring a “celestial brightness” into Pride and Prejudice. In her novel, Austen was “breathing gaiety and youth, robed in dazzling light,”(Jenkins).
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a novel that is still relevant in today’s society. The novel is heavily reliant on the events of her personal life. Additionally, Pride and Prejudice is Austen’s most well-known and well-written book. This comedy of manners was first turned into a film in 1940. Most recently, Pride and Prejudice was re-made in 2005 and won the award for Best British Debut. Due to the novel’s simplicity, it is not enjoyed all around. However, Pride and Prejudice has received many good reviews and is still considered a classic read.

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