How Does Cellular Respiration Affect Climate Change?

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) was established in 1988, reported in 2007 in “very high confidence” that since 1750 human activity has played a major part in overloading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Whether it’s through cellular respiration or the burning of fossil fuels is debatable. Cellular respiration is a process of creating energy and it takes place in all living things, even in plants. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, light and water are important factors in this process. Keeping a balance level of carbon dioxide is crucial to the earth’s atmosphere, because if it gets too high, it increases the average temperature on earth, which is unfortunately what we are dealing with and call “global warming”. I believe cellular respiration does not affect global warming as greatly as industrial fossil fuels do.
First of all, I want to talk about photosynthesis, which is the process of plants making their own food in the presence of light. In plants a chemical reaction that involves taking in carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and through the process of cellular respiration it releases oxygen, which all living things need to survive. It’s a circle of life and it very well could produce a natural balance in the atmosphere, which would not in fact …show more content…

Human activity plays a moderate effect on global warming. Although we are major source of releasing carbon dioxide through cellular respiration, I do not believe it causes an imbalance in our atmosphere. The way humans do affect that imbalance is when deforestation takes place, and start building industrial plants, cars, etc. Think about the amount of industrial building all over the world that needs fuel to run and not to mention all the machinery that is used every day to construct and run

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