How Does Ariel Still Serve Prospero?

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In The Tempest Shakespeare has many different scenes beginning in a question and ending in an answer. But, act 1 scene 2, does not end in an answer. This scene's main focus is on a debate between Prospero and Ariel, the debate revolves around the decision whether Ariel should be released, or whether Ariel still should serve Prospero. Ariel should be released since she was loyal and always obeyed Prospero without complaining, and Prospero is also wrong because he did not hold true to the agreement he made, many years ago. Prospero is wrong since he did not follow through with the agreement made between Ariel and Prospero, also Prospero has been known for breaking his word: “ Is there more toil?... let me remember thee that thou hast promised which is not yet performed me”(1.2.287). After Ariel …show more content…

Ariel obeys Prospers because Prospero has an incredible art. When Sycorax held Ariel captive, Sycorax’s art was not strong enough to release Ariel. When Prospero came to the island he heard Ariel screaming and freed Ariel with the agreement that Ariel will work for him. Prospero should have freed Ariel when he originally agreed to because Ariel has always been loyal to PRospero, and Ariel always obeyed Prospero without complaining: “I Prithee, remember I have done thee worthy service, told thee no lies, made no mistakings, served without grudge or grumblings. Thou did promise to bate me a full year”. (1.2.294). In addition to Prospero breaking his word, he does not treat Prospero well based in this statement: “ Thou liest, malignant thing. Hast thou forgot the foul witch Sycorax… Hast thou forgot her?” (1.2.310). Since Prospero has been treating Ariel poorly, Arliel might be afraid to ask Prospero for his freedom, and might think that if he asks PRospero, Prospero might throw Ariel back into the tree. These facts support the statement that Ariel deserves to be let

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