How Do White Flowers Change Colour The Fastest

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In the experiment, the aim was to see which type of white flower petals, would change colour the fastest. The white flowers that were used for the investigation were roses, daisies and lilies.
Through this experiment, it proved the hypothesis as inaccurate, as it was estimated that the rose would transition colour the fastest, however the daisy proved the estimation wrong as the colour change was already visible after 30 minutes, compared to the other flowers that progressed longer. The colour dyed water made the tips of the petals turn a bright green after setting it in the vase for 30 minutes. An hour later, the whole petal turned mint green and the tips of the petal were a vibrant green, compared to earlier. The rose’s petals became noticeable after 45 minutes, and turned into a pale green. Later the petals transformed into a mint green and the tips became a bright green. Furthermore, the lily took the longest to process, as it did not have any development after an hour, but only began changing after 2 hours. During the first hour, the flower’s …show more content…

This transpiration process occurs as plants absorb water through their roots and stems which affects the …show more content…

Therefore, led to working on the science assignment at the end of the week and needing to buy new equipment, replacing the bad flowers. Furthermore, originally the red food dye was decided to be used for the experiment but after gathering the equipments, red ran out and green was the only available colour left, thus green food dye was used for the colour changing flower

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