How Do Ipads Help Students With Disabilities?

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compensate" (Shah). The iPad can be formatted to help kids with disabilities because modalities like sound and touch can be changed to fit their needs. iPads can help students with disabilities in many ways because it allows for application to be set up specifically for special needs. "Special needs educators, too, are finding that iPads can be a vital tool to support independence" (Palmer). Many teachers look for applications that students responds to well, how it could be the most useful to the students, and how does it go along with the curriculum or what they have to learn. For students who have trouble with social skills, apps like Sosh help them to work out their problems through cognitive and behavioral therapy. This can guide students to "relax and recognize" their issues in hopes of resolving them. Through the iPad, apps are available for teachers to …show more content…

Other apps help translate words and sentences into pictures or symbols for students who have a difficult time reading or sounding out words. This helps students form connections between the word and the picture to know that they mean the same thing. Books can be downloaded onto the iPad that can fit the needs of any child with disabilities by allowing the instructor to alter the size, color, or font. Some apps even allow the teacher to have text-to-speech which reads the book or passage to the student aloud. This can help students to learn new words so they can recognize them in the future. For disabilities involving speech, apps allow students to practice "interactive conversations and record their spoken responses"(Palmer). This allows the student to hear themselves speak and helps them to create better speaking skills to use with other individuals. In similar terms, there are apps for students who cannot speak at all, and this allows them to communicate with others. This app speaks for them and enables them to talk when they otherwise could

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