How Did Truman Contain Communism

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Harry Truman: Truman helped contain communism in the Cold War when he aided Greek and Turkish governments millions of American dollars to help their war efforts against the Soviet Union, who were trying to expand communism. He also passes the Truman Doctrine stated that the United States must support free peoples who are resisting outside pressures. This allowed the United states to help contain the communist ideas and also provided aid to countries being infiltrated by communist ideas.
Red China: Communists took control of China after WWII and thus Americans called it Red China as a means to identify it as a communist nation. China, however, did not want a communist rule so, during the Korean War, when it looked as though the U.N. would defeat …show more content…

The Rosenbergs had a negative effect on the American effort to contain communism as they sold valuable information the gave America an edge in the war.
Hydrogen Bomb: The Hydrogen Bomb was developed in America and was more powerful than an atomic bomb and was able to detonate and effect a larger area and have more of an impact. The Hydrogen Bomb had a positive impact of the American effort to contain communism as it provided the American forces with an edge the not many others had.
Panmunjom: Panmunjom, Korea was where the negotiation between the United Nations and North Korea occurred that ultimately ended the Korean War. The negotiation a Panmunjom positively affected the war effort as it set a defensible boundary that ensured that communism would not spread.
Eisenhower: General Dwight Eisenhower was the president during the cold war and one of his sole purposes was to contain communism. Eisenhower had a positive impact on the American effort to contain communism as he set forth many plans that ensured that the United States was ahead, if not more advanced, in technology than the communist nations. A prime example of this was the Sputnik launch and the United States rapid …show more content…

He was popular among his people and was a practical administrator for the “Great Leap Forward.” Chou En-Lai was a held a positive impact for America’s plan for containment of communism as he was largely responsible for the re-establishment of contacts with the West during Nixon’s presidency.
Space Monkey: The launch of monkeys into space help the advancement for the containment effort in that once a life form can survive the launch into space human life will be able to go up as well. This would help the containment effort because it would give the United States an advantage that the other nations did not have. This advancement could help the United States launch attacks and spy on warring countries from a secure vantage point.
U-2: Through the uses of a secret plane, U-2, flying above radar detection the United States was able to spy on the Soviet Union. This secret plane allowed the United States to take pictures and gather information. This was a great advantage for the United States, however, the Soviets detected the plane and shot it down. They, however, took the captain hostage and tried to force the Americans to admit they were spying. This did not work because America had a Soviet spy themselves so they made a trade. This was a slight advancement for America’s effort to contain communism because they were able to capture information and keep an eye on the Soviets

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