How Did The Airplane Impact The World

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In 1978, there were about 275,000 airplane takeoff and landings in the United States. In 2007, there are about 475,000 airplane takeoff and landing in the United States in one year, and the number keeps growing (Milstein). Despite the fact that some people say that airplanes are bad for the environment, the invention has created a positive impact on the world because planes have created many jobs, they cut costs when traveling, and it is a much safer way to travel compared to other means of transportation
The creators of the first airplane, Wilbur and Orville Wright, invented the plane for the sake that they wanted to have a positive effect on the world. It had been brought to Wilbur’s attention that flight would be possible for man (The Dream of Flight). This inspired both Wilbur and Orville to try their best. Although there were people all around the world working on the airplane at the same time, Wilbur and Orville Wright were the first to become successful. In the early 1900s, Wilbur and Orville Wright were the first to triumphantly control an aircraft while it was in the air (The Wright Story). In 1903, after controlling the aircraft, they became the first to successfully control a powered aircraft. After taking time to refine their airplane control system, the Wright Brothers were issued a patent in 1906 (The Wright Timeline). …show more content…

Whether it is through commercial airlines or the military, many people can pursue a job in aviation. As of 2014, the US Air Force had 329,500 active airmen (US Air Force). After the original plane was developed, many people began to innovate it. Aviation engineers, the ones who work on the innovations, work on designing, developing, and assembling aircrafts. An aviation engineer can be trained at colleges and universities all over and can be hired by the government, private engineering firms, and commercial airlines

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