How Did So Many People Died In Jamestown

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Jamestown Dying Finally In America Panning for gold, sun beating down on their backs, drinking water makes it worse Eventually almost everyone is 6 feet under.. why did so many people die? In 1606 , 104 Men from England set out in search for gold in the new world, Once in what is now Modern day Virginia they faced hardship and death, the men that survived help plant the seed that grew into a new Nation that would shake the foundations of history. Even through brackish water, bad relations with the natives and poor settler skills, many people died. Brackish and filthy water, When we say brackish water we are talking about the James River and how the ocean currents mixed with the fresh water . The settlers at Jamestown dumped fecal matter and pee into the river. the matter would float a little ways down the river but it would come back, and settle on the bottom where the men got their drinking water.. Saltwater poisoning happened to almost all of the men because the river was getting loads of sea water and the water why dehydrating them but they didn’t know it. Famin was also a problem why so many settlers died because there was no rain in Jamestown for a few years, these years were called the starving time. …show more content…

Why do you only bring one surgeon? Having a surgeon is vital to surviving because he can help a lot more than the rest of the men would. Do you need a drummer? or 28 people that do not have jobs? The Virginia-Stock Company should have been better prepared for the worst. The gentlemen did not work either they thought they were better than the other men. The starving time and having unprepared people set up for poor relationships with the Native

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