How Did Matisse's Influence On The Large Bathers

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One could surmise, both Matisse and Picasso could have easily been inspired by Cezanne’s the Large Bathers. How could in some aspect not have been, the race to be the best was on when it came to artist of the day.
In the case of Matisse, with the painting Bonheur de Vivre, he built on his tradition of Fauvism style art. Similar to his past works the landscape was a significant part of the painting, the use of imprecise brush strokes and vivid colors are what may well set this apart from Cezanne’s style of painting.
Matisse, influenced as well by the Japanese’s style of artwork, brought this to light with the figures included in this painting. I believe this is where he breaks from Cezanne, the figures are not as clearly defined or detailed as in some of his past works. The perspective or depth seems to be a little off as well, there seems to be more frivolity in this painting versus the more tranquil appearance in Cezanne’s painting. …show more content…

Though I am sure this was inspired in part by Cezanne’s success on a painting, it was most likely created more to either stimulate or squelch the rivalry between him and Matisse.
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is all Picasso, while it obvious these are female figures there is nothing feminine about this painting. The use of what looks to be tribal masks, add to what I perceive as disorganization in the painting, it is truly

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