Women Under De Kooning and Komegne Brushes

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Pablo Picasso is certainly a genius who has left an indelible mark on his time. Consequently, many artists all over the world have had their own career influenced by his work. Among those artists can be listed Willem de Kooning, a Dutch American painter, and the Cameroonian artist Koko Komegne. For instance, both artists have had their early work, and later their career impacted by Picasso’s cubism. While de Kooning spent hours looking at each detail of Picasso’s paintings, Koko Komegne learnt to paint by reproducing the master’s artworks. Another thing both artists shared with Picasso through their career was the woman as subject matter. Unsurprisingly, de Kooning and Komegne have extensively painted the woman in their own career. Among all those pieces, Seated Woman, 1940, from Willem de Kooning and Toilette, 2006, from Koko Komegne are very similar; the characters on both pieces are ladies, and they have the same pose. However, although the two paintings are similar in term of descriptive subject matter, de Kooning and Komegne draw from their environment and their personal style to highlight their specificities.
At first sight, it is possible to think that Toilette has been inspired from Seated Woman, as the last painting was realized long time before the first one. Both works look like two pieces of a same serie of paintings. They are both figurative art, resulting from the common fascination of Komegne and de Kooning by Picasso’s style. They both feature a unique character on each piece. The only subject is a lady, and the subject has the same proportion in regard to the size of the piece on both works of art. On both paintings, a lady is seated on what looks like a table chair. Also, on both artworks, the character has an a...

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...ction. Another aspect where both artists poorly compare is the how they use the space on the support. While de Kooning perfectly centers his character, Komegne places his own character on the left of the viewer, creating a painful asymmetry for the viewer. While Komegne uses the lines of the curtain and the triangles on the frame of the window to create repetition on his artwork, de Kooning relies on colors to achieve the same goal. However, the most obvious difference linked to the artists’ style is the size of the pieces: Seated Woman is almost twice the size of Toilette.
Overall, although de Kooning and Komegne’s careers have been strongly influenced by Picasso, although both artists tackle the same subject matter through Seated Woman and Toilette, each of them draws from his culture, his environment and his personal style the elements to create an original work.

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