How Did Beowulf Deal With The Water Witch

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Beowulf, a soldier of honor and courage. Through his many battles with giants and sea monsters he has found himself in another life threatening predicament. Many things change when the poem is put on the big screen. Hrothgar king of the Danes was never mentioned as Grendel’s father in the original poem. In the poem Beowulf never makes a deal with Grendel’s mother, he kills her. Towards the end of the movie Hrothgar crowns Beowulf the king of the Danes, but in the poem leaves and becomes king of the Geats for fifty peaceful years.

Basically a deal with the devil, Hrothgar thought Grendel was the curse, but laying down with the water witch was the beginning of the end for Hrothgar. But in all actuality pride is the curse. Hrothgar gave the witch a son in return for a …show more content…

According the movie, Hrothgar knew Beowulf couldn`t kill the beautiful beast, as he couldn`t either. So Beowulf laid with the deceitful creature and set Hrothgar free of his dreadful curse. But in contrast, the poem says that bowulf sliced the head off of the great water witch. And that neither Hrothgar nor Beowulf had a demon son.

Because of Beowulf’s actions the curse was now set on him for he will be king of the Danes and cursed with a demon son to terrorize him and his kingdom. On the other hand the original poem says that after he defeated Grendel and his mother he departed from the Danes and journeyed back home to his deceased uncle Higlac to take his place and be the king of the Geats for fiftypeaceful years.

In conclusion, many things were alike between the poem and the movie, but there were more things that were different. Both the poem and the movie were very entertaining, but they were so different that it almost seemed like a different movie if it weren`t for the names being the same. These were only three of the many differences between Beowulf the poem and Beowulf the

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