How Did Alexander Fleming Discover Penicillin

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Alexander discovered penicillin by just a weird accident; According to the article, when bacteriologist Alexander Fleming left for his vacation one day in September of 1928 he left a mess in his laboratory, when he came about one month later he noticed that every dish he had left out in the open was all covered in mold. He examined the dishes to see if they had been contaminated. Out of the sudden Fleming focused his attention in one particular dish. The dish that had caught the attention of Alexander was covered in a lot of mold specific the mold had staphylococci culture it had also grown a bit of yellow-green mold. Fleming noticed a ring in the mold but when examined it; The ring was bacteria-free. The molds name was Penicillium Notatum. This seemed very unusual to Alexander Fleming. Believe it or not that was how penicillin was discovered. …show more content…

Howard Florey at Oxford university. The hard research was able to prove penicillin ability to kill infectious bacteria. This was all during the world war II. The British Scientist try to spread his incredible discovery but he could not produce the quantities of penicillin needed for the clinical trials for people in the war, so he turned to the United States for help, so that the Americans could try to help them reproduce more penicillin. On July 9 1941 Howard Florey and Norman Heatley, Oxford university scientist came to the U.S. with a small yet valuable package containing a little amount of penicillin. As you can see penicillin was turning from small bacteria in Flemings laboratory to a huge success that can save many

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