How Basketball Changed My Life Essay

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As my deadline got closer and closer, my decision started to become clearer. After weeks of thinking, I had finally decided what I wanted to do. Basketball. It was my outlet, my way to get noticed in society. It would help me in the long run and have a great impact on me and my families lives. Of course, it would take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I was willing to accept the challenge and start a new career.

One day, as I was leaving my soccer game, a basketball coach came to me and asked me to be on his team. As thousands of volts of electricity jolted through my body, all I could do was smile. This wasn’t how I really felt. I was more dumbstruck and confused than delighted. I hadn’t known what to do, but when I got home, me and my parents discussed it. “Try something new, it would be good for you,” as my mom said in a powerful tone as we argued back and forth to come to a decision. “ But I don’t know. What if it doesn’t work out? Then I would have left soccer for nothing,” as I said very apprehensively, but my parents said I would fine.
As time passed, I would think more heavily about my decision. I knew it would be a tough transition from sport to sport, but it also would be even harder finding new friends.

The next day, I felt that giving basketball a first try wouldn’t be so bad. However, there were …show more content…

He introduced me to everyone else in the gym so we would be familiar with each other. Afterward, we began with practice. It felt like we had been training for a marathon, or better yet, running in one. I was exhausted and my feet hurt so bad I couldn’t even walk to my mom's car. We had been running for hours and hours non-stop with short water breaks in between that didn’t even really help. When it started to get closer and closer to the end of practice, I just wanted to go home even more, but thankfully my mom was waiting for me

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