Hope In Life Of Pi

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The book Life of Pi has various themes throughout the entire book. My favorite theme and the theme that I feel is best conveyed throughout the story is the theme of hope. Hope is the driving force throughout the book that truly leads him to the end result of survival and reaching land to eventually be able to relocate to Canada. The theme of hope is clearly shown through the plot, the characters, and the setting. The theme of hope ties the book together to create an important tale of dreams and upsets to finally achieve victory and success.

Throughout the whole novel, Pi is constantly enduring challenges in the Pacific that test him to his wit’s end. However, he constantly reminds himself of pleasurable things to come and the great …show more content…

Pi found hope through himself. He found ways to survive that ultimately did work. He first noticed the recurring theme of orange all around him. The color orange brought hope to everything around him. For example, the lifeboat was orange, the life jackets were orange, Orange Juice was named Orange and the life raft was orange. Alter on in the novel orange is also the color cat that Pi’s daughter Usha has. Pi also learns that religion is tried together so strongly with hope. If he prays to the gods and hopes they hear and respond, the end result ultimately turns out successful. Every day he prays to the gods and hopes they listen. Not one day goes by where he doesn’t pray to the gods to help him. He wishes that his hope will be transferred into something positive. For example he says, “ Praise to be Allah, Lord of All Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Ruler of Judgment Day! This is a miracle. This is an outbreak of divinity. This is…This is…” He is praying to the gods to help him in his struggle to survive. The theme of hope is also very strongly conveyed through Pi’s thoughts. “I was giving up. I would have given up- if a voice hadn’t made itseld heard in my heart. The voice said, “ I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day… Pg 148” This quote show how Pi’s character refuses to give up hope. He has this small ounce of hope that won’t give up. He learns hat hope is with in him if he chooses to take advantage of it. He believes in himself throughout whatever happens and he does survive. He is Pi, the ambassador of life. He never ceases to believe in

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