Honor Code Dbq

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In discussion of the honor code, one controversial issue has been whether or not a school should establish such rules. On the one hand, people argue that schools should strongly enforce a honor code. Others maintain that there is no true need for the code. Although enforcing this code may have its problems, a honor code in school is significant. Having a honor code or system in schools promote integrity. This code is the school's position on practices such as cheating, stealing and plagiarizing, along with the consequences of violating the code. Source C explains that the punishment of violating the code ranges from suspension to expulsion. Going even further, a consequence that has been carried through has been taking away a student’s diploma after he/she has graduated (Source D) . By having this penalty, it forces students to move away from the temptation to cheat or plagiarize. Students are now aware of the consequences of their action when they violate the code. Schools, such as the University of Virginia, have students memorize a saying that confirms that their work is nothing but theirs; students also have to write this saying on all their tests during their college career (Source D). Having students continually see and write this statement is a constant reminder …show more content…

Part of the code says that if a student witnesses cheating or plagiarism they are to report it. In a survey, only 8% of students said they would report these actions (Source E). Honor codes are useful, but only in students are willing to help and report these dishonest actions. Another problem that Source D addresses is doubtful feelings that by signing a piece of paper it will change a cheaters ways. Any student can sign a piece of paper stating they will follow the code, but actually following through and being honest with your work is another thing. Having a honor code would require a great deal of careful

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