History of Web Design

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Web Design is a field that has been around for only thirty years, but has evolved drastically throughout that time. HTML has changed much, and new scripting languages such as CSS and JavaScript to name two, have arisen to help tackle the challenge that web development can be. From basic text pages to fully interactive sites, the world of web development has made significant leaps consistently throughout its short lifetime.
In the 1960’s a concept for HTML was created by Ted Nelson, a Harvard graduate. His work was never used until the 1980’s, when the internet was introduced because of a lack of need for it. At the time, HTML was the only option for web development, and there was not much freedom when it came to design. Sites were basic, consisting of simple tables, text and links, with little to no graphics. Then the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was created to stop large businesses from controlling web design code. The W3C is responsible for setting the guidelines, techniques, and rules for web development. This was created so that the sites created would all work with browsers consistently and without errors.
In the early nineties more developers started contributing to the evolution of HTML, causing the creation of new tags and techniques. Because people became confused about what tags did what, they named the improved language HTML 2. A few short years later, people had continued to add even more, resulting in HTML 3. Designers now had the ability to use style sheets. HTML 3 was revolutionary, as it finally opened up the doors to real website customization. Designers now had the ability to use animated images, and colorful backgrounds. Then Flash was introduced as well, which changed the entire scene of web design. No long...

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...s to wait through, people will not lose interest when they can open the site immediately and get all of the information they need, without loading more pages that could potentially make them leave.
The future of web design seems to be a bright one; with all of these new technologies to create a more efficient experience. It has changed much over its short thirty years, and it will continue to evolve as long as the internet is present, which at this point seems like it’s not going anywhere.

Works Cited

http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/design/web-design-history-from-the-beginning/ http://boagworld.com/design/why-codesign-tools-are-the-future-of-web-design/ http://thenextweb.com/dd/2011/12/16/the-future-of-web-design/ http://www.dtelepathy.com/blog/design/8-reasons-why-pageless-design-is-the-future-of-the-web http://blog.hubspot.com/insiders/why-responsive-web-design

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