Hip-Hop Culture and Obscene Language

596 Words2 Pages

Celebrities have the ability to change the way people think in an instant. Currently in society, it is easy for an individual to get their opinions noticed. With the help of social media and instant news, celebrities can post something and the whole world can have access to it in the blink of an eye. Due to this quick form of communication, it is no wonder celebrities use their access to inform their audience not only about their personal life but also about issues that are affecting their communities, such as poverty and violence. Hip- Hop is the perfect platform for this. It is rare that you will find a teenager following politics. Therefore, through Hip-Hop culture, it is made possible for issues such as gun violence, drugs and high prison rates in cities to be noticed by the youth. One way in which Hip-Hop addresses these social issues is through lyrics of Hip-Hop songs. There are many artists who have songs that contain lyrics that both outwardly and subliminally state the issues that minority communities face. One such artist is J.Cole. In many of Cole’s songs, you can...

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